Chociaż Polacy obchodzą Dzień Ojca 23 czerwca to w większości krajów przypada on na trzecią niedzielę czerwca (w tym roku 19 czerwca) – w tym dniu Dzień Ojca obchodzą mieszkańcy Wielkiej Brytanii czy Stanów Zjednoczonych. 

Dzień ojca to świetna okazja, żeby spędzić czas ze swoim tatą, nieważne czy jest to BIOLOGICAL FATHER czy father that STEPPED UP. 

Z okazji Dnia Ojca składamy najserdeczniejsze życzenia i zapraszamy do zapoznania się ze słownictwem związanym z tym świętem!

Słownictwo – rodzaje ojców

  • biological father – the father whose DNA the child carries
  • stepfather – a person in a relationship with your mother but who is not your biological father
  • adoptive father – a father who has legally adopted their child
  • father-in-law – the father of your husband or wife
  • grandfather – the father of your mother or father
  • foster father – a man who takes the place of a father, usually for a limited amount of time



  • success has many fathers, failure is an orphan

People are quick to associate themselves with successful ventures and distance themselves from failures.

A: All the people who were so excited about this project in the beginning now act like they’ve never even heard of it.” 

B: Well, success has many fathers, failure is an orphan.


  • be gathered to (one’s) fathers

euphemism: To die.

It’s such a shame that Tom has been gathered to his fathers. When is his funeral?


  • founding father

Someone who was instrumental in the beginning or creation of something. Capitalized when used to refer to a member of the US Constitutional Convention.

As the founding fathers of this club, we really want to see it thrive after we graduate.


  • like father, like son

Said when a son shows similarities to his father in mannerisms, interests, behavior, etc.

Tommy’s headstrong and impatient—like father, like son.


  • twinkle in (one’s) father’s eye

A phrase used to describe the time before one’s birth.

I never knew my grandparents; they died when I was just a twinkle in my father’s eye.


Cytaty związane z ojcostwem 

Fatherhood has given me a new sense of purpose. – Prince William

Being a dad is most definitely the most important role I play. – Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson

I have learned that a parent’s capacity for love is endless. – Elton John

Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man. – Frank Pittman

Any fool can have a child. That doesn’t make you a father. It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father. – Barack Obama 

Z którymi cytatami się zgadzasz? Czy bycie tatą zmieniło twoje życie? 


Happy Father’s Day! 

PS  Dziękujemy wszystkim tatusiom za tak punktualne przywożenie i odbieranie swoich pociech 😉 Widać, że można na Was polegać!